Wellcome to the school of management in jiangsu university


Published Time:2018-04-08 Views No.:

The Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Management Science made a groundbreaking visit to Jiangsu University on March 26, 2018. The visit was in fulfillment of the School of Management’s International Cooperation initiative to ensure quality research.

Prof. Benjamin Lev on his visit delivered a lecture to the gathering of academic professors and post-graduate students on research publication. The session was held at the school of management academic conference hall. The lecture was entitled “Best Practices in Publishing and Experience Sharing”.

In his lecture, Prof. Ben. Lev briefly introduced his personal experiences serving as the former vice chairman of the Conference of Management Science Associations and the Conference of the Operations Research and Management Sciences Association. Since 2002, he has been the editor of OMEGA, an International Journal of Management Science ranked as second with an overall impact factor of 4.671 by the ABDC (Australia Business Deans Council) 2016 journal rankings.

Prof. Ben. Lev stated the fundamental position of OMEGA in the world, the rudimentary operations of OMEGA, and the auditing standards for teachers and students. He also highlights on some of the major problems that may be encountered in the course of the research and writing of the publishable paper.

He stated that every presented paper to the publishing house get the first paragraph read first. For this reason, the Abstract should be written in one paragraph meaningful, highlighting the goals and results. The abstract should not contain mathematical equations.

The paper or the writer should be clear about the paper, “the paper should be sexy and sweet” Prof. Lev, stated. He further itemized that, the writer should state if the finish work is a case study or theoretical paper. Should also state if it’s an extension of a published work and how different it is from other papers in the references.

In Prof Lev lecture, he stated that references are the integral backbone of accepting a paper. He cautioned researchers to first review the journal instruction format, the writer should make sure to include references from the journal house and also ensure to include recent references. i.e OMEGA Journal.

Prof Lev. gave a word of caution, if a paper has its majority of references from a different field or discipline, the paper does not qualify to be published by OMEGA notwithstanding the quality of the material and research.

His kindest advice to professors and the student is not to argue with reviewers but rather appreciate in good faith, rectify the correction and address them on a separate sheet to illustrated how the corrections were affected.

In the interactive session, questions were asked by both the professors and students present to Prof. Lev and answers were given accordingly.

The visit and lecture receive high recognition among the teacher and student body with the quest for a more similar event.

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