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Webinar at School of Management

Published Time:2021-05-07 Views No.:

The School of Management held a webinar on the 17th of April, 2021 from the hours of 18:00 to 20:00. This academic seminar entailed analysis of PLS-SEM using SmartPLS and over one hundred and twenty participants attended. The resource person Dr. Ebenezer Larnyo, who is a Post-Doctoral Research fellow, took us through series of lectures including; Model Creation using SmartPLS, Collecting and Preparing Data (Data Format), Evaluating and Interpretation of Measurement Model, and Evaluating and Interpretation of Structural Model.

Various participants interacted directly with the resource person and had satisfying response for their questions regarding analysis. At the end of the seminar, a survey was carried out to get responses of the content, satisfaction level and expectation for next seminar. Participants admitted that, the relative quality of the seminar content and excellent delivery gave out toolkits for thorough analysis and results interpretation.  

Generally, the participants were very satisfied, and they indicated several expectations for the next seminar which includes focusing on; How to use secondary data, Quantitative and Qualitative analysis, Fuzzy QCA, and a possible linkage with other statistical analysis tools like R and Net logo software.

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