Wellcome to the school of management in jiangsu university


Published Time:2020-11-16 Views No.:

The school of Management held a seminar for 2020/2021 academic year. The topic for the seminar was “Multi-regional and multi-sector comparison and analysis of industrial carbon productivity in China”.

The event was held on the 5th of November, 2020 at the Sanjiang Building room 1501 at 3:00 pm. The guest speaker for the seminar was Miss Hua Yang, a research fellow from the Australian University of Technology. She was a former student of Jiangsu University.

             Attending the seminar were both Chinese and foreign nationals who filled up the seminar hall.

The seminar was an interesting one with a lot of students asking questions after Miss Hua Yang concluded her presentation.

The Management Leader, on behalf of the entire management and study body, thanked Miss Hua Yang for her time in sharing her research to all who attended.

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