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The School of Management Organizes Traditional Experience of Chinese Spring Festival (DIY spring festival scrolls and window art crafts activity) with international students

Published Time:2020-01-10 Views No.:

Chinese Spring Festival or China Lunar New Year orChinese New Year is the Chinese festival that celebrates the commencement of a new year on the traditional Chinese calendar. The festival is generally referred to as the Spring Festival in mainland China or“Chunjie”, and also one of several Lunar New Years in Asia. The festival traditionally occurs from the evening prior to the first day of the year to the Lantern Festival, held on the 15th day of the year. The first day of Chinese Spring Festival starts on the new moon that appears between 21 January and 20 February. This year 2020, the first day of the Chinese New Year (Chinese Spring Festival) will be on Saturday, 25 January, starting the Year of the Rat.

Before the Chinese New Year, preparations such as cutting festival scrolls in the shape of the succeeding years’ zodiac animal, which is a Rat for 2020, and also writing good wishes to friends and family members for the next year. These art work are normally pasted on windows and doors to wish people a happy new year.

On the 9thof January, 2020, the School of Management in collaboration with elders from the Zhenjiang community held a training session for both Chinese and international students from the School on how to cut by crafting the shape of Rat. The elders also demonstrated how to write good will messages to friends and family members.

10 international students were present and the atmosphere was very energetic as the best of Chinese craft work was on display. In a “Do It Yourself” (DIY) way, the students were made to individually cut their scrolls to the shape of a rat. It was really interesting how some of the shapes came out. However, a lot was learnt from the demonstration.

All the international students present were very excited to be part of the event as they learnt a lot from the crafting activities to the writing of good wishes in Chinese.

At the end of the event souvenirs were given to the participants in the form of well-shaped rat as a sign of wishing them a Happy New Rat Year in advance.

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