Wellcome to the school of management in jiangsu university

Webinar on ARDL analysis

Published Time:2022-05-05 Views No.:

On March 31st , the School of Management organized a webinar on statistical econometric modelling using EViews from 7pm to 9pm Beijing time. It was attended by over 150 international students via Tencent Meeting. The seminar covered Autoregression Distributed Lags (ARDL) and was delivered by Dr. Kofi Baah Boamah from the University of Professional Studies in Accra, Ghana, who is also an alumnus of Jiangwesu University & School of Management.

He gave a detailed presentation on the preliminary analysis that should be done such as the unit root test and cointegration test and the criteria to meet before selecting the ARDL model. A sample data set was used to for demonstration and all participants had the opportunity to have a practical experience.

Participants had the opportunity to ask varying questions regarding the ARDL model analysis and about research in general. Dr. Boamah insightfully and satisfactorily answered all questions.  As “Oliver Twist” always ask for more, participants craved his indulgence for another section which he agreed to hold another webinar on Granger Causality Test. We look forward to the second installment of this webinar.

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