The School of Management of Jiangsu University always prioritizes the enhancement of skills and deepening the knowledge acquisition standard of students to undertake research. The school always makes resources available to widen the interest and skill set of students to be able to publish research publications in top tier journals. In line with this long-standing goal, the school organized on Wednesday November 24, 2021 a bilingual academic webinar from 4pm to 6pm Beijing time on the theme “Demystifying Publishing in Top-Tier Journals”. The resource person for this webinar is Dr. Xia Yang who is a senior academic editor for Nature and Nature Communications in the study area of social science related manuscripts. She is responsible for the review of manuscripts about socio-economic, environmental policy, health risks, climate change, and sustainable development. The seminar was in two sections. The first section focused on the analysis of the structure, vision, target content and examples of Nature and its publications. The interdisciplinary research and paper writing essentials of the journal was also briefly introduced. The second section dealt with the writing skills needed when targeting the journal including logical reasoning and topic selection, writing points of each part of the paper, and intention enhancement analysis. It again introduced the matters needing attention in the submission of the paper (cover letter design, review process analysis, review opinion reply), and post submission matters (matters after receipt of the manuscript, rebuttal after rejection). She divided the workflow into two structures (paper writing and manuscript submission to final decision) and explained in detail citing examples. She answered several questions from Chinese and foreign students regarding journal review processes, technical terminology and peer-review time frames. The seminar was well attended by over 300 audiences from different parts of the world and their desire and thirst demonstrated indicates the quest for more of such programs. |