Wellcome to the school of management in jiangsu university

Siminar of A.P.Thomas from University of Rennes1

Published Time:2019-06-06 Views No.:

School of Management, JSU on the 15thof May, 2019 organized another academic seminar on Theoretical Modelling in Economics. The lecture was presented by Thomas Le Texier, from Universite de Rennes 1.

The seminar was ultimately designed to bring together enthusiastic students from school of Management and other students from different schools to acquire knowledge and skills in research methods in economics and what makes a good research paper.

Prof Thomas introduced the lecture by explaining what makes a good research paper. He explained that a good research paper:

  • Addresses an interesting and relevant research question

  • Is able to address contemporary questions at stake

  • Should be able to provide some answers eventually

  • Should be nicely written

  • Should rely on robust research methods (Should be published!)

He indicated that, research method in Economics have two broad areas, namely: Qualitative methods which include surveys interviews, literature, and reviews/surveys. The second method which is Quantitative methods include data analysis (statistics and econometrics) and theoretical models (optimization-related analysis).

In choosing the right method for a good research paper, Prof Thomas iterated that there is a need to choose one which is relevant with the topic/field that the researcher wants to study. Also, there is a need to choose one which the researcher has some knowledge and abilities about and lastly, there is a need to choose one which the researcher and his team can afford.

The lecturer explained into details what theoretical modeling in economics is used for and its contributions in economics. He expounded on where theoretical modelling methods can be found in economics for instance: industrial organization (IO), environmental economics, labor economics, health economics and public economics.

In conclusion, there was substantive enlightenment on theory and empirics in research and when to use each of them. Empirics are well-suited to provide results (to support some research assumptions or not) from events which have already happened. Theoretical modeling rather allows for some predictions on events which have not already happened.

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